What's Looking Good

A festival of snowdrops

Our NGS open days have come and gone. The weather was reasonably kind and we enjoyed seeing old friends and some new ones too united in a love for these remarkable plants which provide cheerfulness and hope on gloomy days. Our copse is now filling up with snowdrop...

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Snowdrops snowdrops snowdrops

Several weeks of cold weather with hard frosts and clear skies at night and some wonderful sunsets put the snowdrops on hold and I was beginning to get anxious about our National Gardens Scheme open days on 5th - 7th February. Fortunately this last week has been mild...

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Snowdrop open days

It is now less than two weeks until our NGS open days. it has been cold so our snowdrops seem to be a little late this year but we think there should be plenty in flower for the snowdrop weekend on 5 - 7 February. Some old friends are appearing and it is lovely to...

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More Snowdrops

The marvellously warm days of late December brought more of the snowdrops in the garden to life. Three Ships is still flowering three weeks on but is now joined by the amazing Mrs Macnamara. Often she is flowering by Christmas but this year unaccountably she delayed...

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The first snowdrops

How it lifts one's spirits to see the first early snowdrops appearing. It has been so warm that we have only just begun the task of clearing the dying foliage in the borders but how enchanting it is to find beneath the leaves the earliest snowdrops pushing through the...

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September delights

I love September, my birthday month, and this year after such a wet summer everything in the garden is looking lush and full of flower. When we were planting the garden in the beginning we used to visit gardens at this time of year after most of the work at home was...

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Lovely Lilies

Lovely Lilies

August here is the time for lilies. I adore L. Regale as it has the most wonderful scent. We have grown it in pots for some years as they never seemed to flourish when planted out. We stand them near the seats where their scent can be appreciated. This year we have...

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Alliums – Love/Hate

We have spent the last few months eradicating Allium cowanii from among our lavenders. It has been a huge undertaking and I hope and pray that it has been successful. I planted a few bulbs some years ago to provide some colour in May for our lavender border. That was...

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Geums are gorgeous

This is a spectacular year for Geums. These little plants with their delightful daisy-like flowers in shades of yellow, orange, pink and gold really light up the garden just when it is missing the colour and vibrancy of the tulips and narcissi. They have seemingly...

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March 2025