Miraculously the sun shone on both the days we were open – the only sunny days in weeks of cloud and rain. So despite the worry about parking (our fields were too sodden and cars had to park in our drive) everything went well and as usual the visitors were...


Only a couple of days to go before we welcome visitors to see our snowdrops as part of the NGS Snowdrop Festival. We are praying for some sunny days to make the snowdrops glisten and lift everyone’s spirits. It has been so wet recently that we will not be able...

January Snowdrops

In those depressing grey days since Christmas it has lifted my spirits to walk round the garden and spot the emerging snowdrops. Several old friends have shown themselves already. Three Ships was flowering in early December and Mrs Macnamara was not far behind. To our...


November again! My least favourite month with absolutely nothing to recommend it. This year it has started off with nothing but grey skies but it is so mild that the garden is full of colour which is some compensation. Cyclamen hederifolium are looking wonderful and i...

Summer Extravagance

Late July and the the continuous rain and cloud which has spoiled so many outdoor events has been wonderful for the garden. Everything has flourished in the warm damp atmosphere, which is quite unlike out usual arid conditions. The growth has been remarkable though...