by Elizabeth Cairns | Feb 2, 2024 | Uncategorized
Snowdrops are gleaming in the garden now in time for our NGS open days tomorrow and Sunday 3rd and 4th February. i rather think some are flowering early this year perhaps because of the warm weather in December. Whatever the reason they are now looking wonderful and...
by Elizabeth Cairns | Jan 29, 2024 | Uncategorized
A few warm days and suddenly there they are – masses of them – their grey-green spikes pushing through the cold earth. It is extraordinary how one can be looking for favourite ones and see nothing there and then, almost as if a light had been switched on...
by Elizabeth Cairns | Jan 10, 2024 | Uncategorized
January has hit us hard here in Kent with north east winds, bitter cold and snow which is still lying on the grass and decorating the garden with icy baubles clinging to leaves and branches. Snowdrops are mostly hidden under the snow but one corner of the garden is...
by Elizabeth Cairns | Dec 18, 2023 | Uncategorized
When November is at its gloomiest the first shoots of Galanthus Three Ships can be seen pushing towards the light. Now December is as grey and depressing as its predecessor but delightful and reliable as ever this wonderful snowdrop is now fully in flower and it only...
by Elizabeth Cairns | Dec 2, 2023 | Uncategorized
I can never get very excited about the early snowdrops. There is too much bleak winter weather ahead for them to inspire thoughts of spring. But my spirits did lift a little on a horrible cold frosty morning to see this little clump of Donald Sims under the wall...
by Elizabeth Cairns | Aug 28, 2023 | Uncategorized
The swifts have left which always seems like the end of summer but the garden is still full of colour and will be for a month or more. Our NGS open days are next weekend 2nd and 3rd September. We chose this late time because we think the garden looks lovely at this...