The benefits of a Mild November

November is not my favourite month but this year it has not felt as gloomy as usual. We have had some beautiful sunny days, occasional frosty nights with glittering displays of stars and a gleaming new moon. There has been very little wind which can be so damaging at...

September delights

I love September, my birthday month, and this year after such a wet summer everything in the garden is looking lush and full of flower. When we were planting the garden in the beginning we used to visit gardens at this time of year after most of the work at home was...
Lovely Lilies

Lovely Lilies

August here is the time for lilies. I adore L. Regale as it has the most wonderful scent. We have grown it in pots for some years as they never seemed to flourish when planted out. We stand them near the seats where their scent can be appreciated. This year we have...

Alliums – Love/Hate

We have spent the last few months eradicating Allium cowanii from among our lavenders. It has been a huge undertaking and I hope and pray that it has been successful. I planted a few bulbs some years ago to provide some colour in May for our lavender border. That was...

Geums are gorgeous

This is a spectacular year for Geums. These little plants with their delightful daisy-like flowers in shades of yellow, orange, pink and gold really light up the garden just when it is missing the colour and vibrancy of the tulips and narcissi. They have seemingly...