Late July and the the continuous rain and cloud which has spoiled so many outdoor events has been wonderful for the garden. Everything has flourished in the warm damp atmosphere, which is quite unlike out usual arid conditions. The growth has been remarkable though unfortunately the weeds have also benefitted and the result is an exuberant jungle which we are struggling to control. Now after a few days of sunshine we are enjoying the brilliant colours of agapanthus, lilies, hollyhocks and clematis. it is delightful to see our plants so happy and vigorous. The lavender is full of the sound of bees. Butterflies are everywhere. Today i have seen Admirals, Peacocks and Commas as well as a profusion of meadow browns. Roses have been in seventh heaven. My special favourite, Dusky Maiden, an old rose introduced in 1947 with intense dark crimson single flowers, is looking particularly beautiful. I remember it in my parents’ garden in the 1950s when it must have been new and fashionable and I still love its elegant simplicity. It usually suffers badly from black spot but this year the vigorous growth resulting from the spring rain seems to be less susceptible.
Our only worries are whether the glorious profusion of flowers will last until this weekend when the garden is open for the National Garden Scheme and if the beautiful sunshine will continue for long enough. As always we are at the mercy of the weather and can only hope for the best. Whatever happens there will be plenty to see and learn from in our garden.