The cherry blossom has been wonderful this year. The first to flower is Kursar in early March. The flowers only last a few days but are a marvellous sharp pink colour. Then wonderfully delicate shell pink Pandora which is followed by the amazing sight of Shirotae in bloom, its branches arching like an enormous glistening white parasol. These early ones are an especial delight but the great white cherry Tai Haku improves every year and this year the flowers lasted a bit longer than usual as it was so cold in early April. Sargentii is one of my favourites with its delicate showers of pink blossom and beautiful autumn colour. Now in late April our ancient pear tree is in full flower and is a magnificent sight. It was one of the few trees in the garden when we bought the house and must be forty feet high and as much wide. Pear blossom is I think the most beautiful of all. This tree bears huge quantities of fruit but they are cookers and only a very few get eaten by us though the birds and wasps feast on them each autumn.