Blossom Time

The cherry blossom has been wonderful this year. The first to flower is Kursar in early March. The flowers only last a few days but are a marvellous sharp pink colour. Then wonderfully delicate shell pink Pandora which is followed by the amazing sight of Shirotae in...

After the snowdrops

It is a sad moment when the last snowdrops fade but they have given us so much pleasure for the last three months that it would be wrong to complain. Now is a wonderful time in the garden with new arrivals every day. First the hellebores. These have been wonderful for...

The last of the snowdrops

The second week of March and we still have a few snowdrops. Trym has been superb. It has spread of its own accord in a very gentle way so it now after six years forms a beautiful self contained colony. It is a charming snowdrop with its green markings on the outer...

Snowdrop Carpet

After many years of effort – dividing and planting – at last I think we can say we have a carpet of snowdrops in our little copse. Perhaps a rather threadbare carpet but a carpet nonetheless. When the sun shines, especially in the early evening they...

A lovely surprise

I had quite thought that the charming yellow snowdrop I extravagantly bought last year had succumbed to the dreadful deluges of December and January. It had not appeared by the beginning of this month and then the snow covered the garden for a week. After the thaw I...