Snowdrop Carpet

After many years of effort – dividing and planting – at last I think we can say we have a carpet of snowdrops in our little copse. Perhaps a rather threadbare carpet but a carpet nonetheless. When the sun shines, especially in the early evening they...

A lovely surprise

I had quite thought that the charming yellow snowdrop I extravagantly bought last year had succumbed to the dreadful deluges of December and January. It had not appeared by the beginning of this month and then the snow covered the garden for a week. After the thaw I...

Where are our snowdrops?

About 4 inches of snow have entirely covered the snowdrops which had been looking gorgeous. I don’t think it will harm them. It will probably keep them in a deep freeze until the thaw when they will lift their heads up again. They are so resilient. Until then...